Thursday, 10 April 2008

Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh and first class

Paper helicopters

We made small and large paper helicopters using cardboard and a paper clip.We found out that the shape of the helicopter rotor blades make it spin when dropped from a height.Adding more paper clips changes the spin!The small one reaches the ground first!

Spring is in the air!

Our Spring display

Which is heavier?

Maple syrup, water or oil-Which is heavier?We found out that maple syrup sinks to the bottom and oil floats above the water.

My first trip to space!

First class had lots of fun exploring space and pretending we were astronauts.We wrote stories about our own trip to space.

Tuesday, 1 April 2008


We filled our volcano with vinegar and added a teaspoon of bread soda……stand back……………………………..Kabooooooommmm!!!!!

Rocket Launch!!!

All you need is a pump,water, a bottle and a lot of space!We launched our rocket by pumping air into the plastic bottle. The air pushes the rocket forward!


We made robots using cereal boxes, yoghurt cartons, feathers, lollipop sticks, smarties boxes, toilet rolls and various other things.

Space and the Planets

We learned about the stars and planets in the Milky Way. We created our own planets with marbling inks and water.

We cooked noodles and tried to pick them up using chopsticks! Jasmine brought in sweets all the way from China!

Happy Chinese New Year!

We made Chinese dragons on the 7th of February. The dragon is a symbol of the New Year’s celebration. During the holiday a long paper dragon dances down the streets. We tried on a Chinese hat and looked at a Chinese prayer flag.

We made snowmen

Let it snow,let it snow,let it snow!!

We created snowmen by filling a white sock with rice and wadding.We tied a felt scarf around its neck and put a bobble on top of its hat!